Before proceeding with the body and panel-beating work, sandblasting is a must-have procedure in order to find and rectify defects under the putty, sealing paste and to reveal any welding defects.


The use of appropriate technology is of utmost importance, not only to minimize the possibility of distortion, but also to ensure that the thickness of the panels adhere to the standards of the automobile industry. It is important that the sand blasting does not harm the metal surface of the vehicle. We work at a steady pace, covering every inch of the surface, with the finest sand particles and/or granules.


Sand blasting is also necessary to eliminate any occurrence and any further developments of rust and/or rust formations on the metal surfaces which may cause further damage to the vehicle. We at Synergy Moto-Tec do our best to ensure that rust does not remain under the paint thereby prolonging the lifetime and quality of the vehicle.


The process of chemical dipping is also available on request. The vehicle is dipped into a liquid bath containing chemical substances which, when activated with heat, removes all debris and rust.


After sand blasting and/or the chemical dipping process we immediately apply the primer coat which eliminates the chance of further corrosion. We are able to apply several types of automotive anti-rust materials including weldable primers or epoxy resin primer coats, also according to the customer's preference.


Please contact us. We look forward to your enquiries.











Synergy Moto-Tec has derived a special and unique technology which has been especially tried and tested to restore rusty and/or worn oldtimer parts.


The unique formulae allows for the regeneration and restoration of the spare part, back to its new condition. The special technique implemented by Synergy Moto-Tec can be applied to almost any type of material combination, from rubber to copper to steel through to aluminium.


Each part, no matter how small or intricate, receives the treatment needed to not only for its looks, but also to work precisely for its intended purpose and remain durable again for the years to come.


Please contact us. We look forward to your enquiries.


Sand Blasting

Chemical Dipping